Tuesday, February 10, 2009

European Commission opens investigation into pharmaceutical sector

Name was announced last year to start investigations in the sector, explain the rules of competition in violation of the pharmaceutical industry was the reason. Investigation of the major reasons for companies to market cheaper generic drugs and attempt to delay the entry of competitors of these companies to try to prevent efforts to develop new drugs that are explained.

Pharmaceutical industry organized workplaces after two debates that causes raid a report was published. The format of a serious investigation by the environmental industry is being criticized for the Commission said input and the action of some pharmaceutical companies to abuse their market dominance, says restrictions are believed to go.

Investigation launched after the public consultation process with the final report will be released this year in the first results of the investigation was allowed to be discussed.

Commission spokesman Jonathan Todd yesterday that the domestic market in the consultation results will be shared with the public, he said.

"Consultation process came to an end Saturday night, and participation was more than 40. Recommendations within a few weeks of the competition committee will be published on the website. In practice, the Commission relating to the pharmaceutical sector and type of investigation will be published before the report will take into consideration when preparing the comments. "

Commission under any economic sector, expectations of functions in this sector to see or practices contrary to competition rules, if found to indicate the start of investigation

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