Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pregnancy Nutrition

Nutrition in pregnancy and results in the course of the effects of very large women with eating disorders arising from vardir.Ciddi babies having problems in later life when the required amount in question and bilinmektedir.Beslenme amount kullanilabilecek statements is important. The amount required to be taken to sustain the normal function specifies the minimum amount. Amount that can be used, the average requirement for people and communities are adapted standardized amount.

Energy and Weight Increment-3 in pregnancy calorie reason is required. These pregnancy-related production of new tissue, the maintenance of these tissues of the body movements necessary to be pregnant and the energy is to the right.

According to a pregnant woman pregnant olmayana about 300 extra calories a day needs about 2300 calories duyar.Bu / day roll. calorie consumption in the first 3 months of pregnancy when the minimum level after this period shows a rapid increase. Second 3 months, these calories the last 3 months against major growth in the mother the fetus and placenta as a basis to grow in a healthy woman harcanır.Normal all the recommended weight gain during pregnancy 11-13 kg'dir. This 6 weight of 11 pounds to his mother, the baby belongs to 5 pounds.

At least one meal every other day should be taken in foods containing vitamin A-Apricots, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, green vegetables

At least one meal each day should be taken with vitamin C foods-broccoli, cabbage, pepper, or grapefruit juice, or orange juice, tomatoes, green vegetables, strawberries, melon

At least 2 meals should be eaten every day the fruits and vegetables-Corn, Green Beans, Potato, Apple, Cherry, Banana, Pineapple, Grape

Milk and milk products-strong bones and teeth for a pregnant woman to the baby needed to provide calcium and other elements should be internal purposes at least 3 cups of milk. Vitamin D milk have reinforced these cases, it can not be in much better olur.Süt cheese or yogurt can be eaten instead.

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vitamins and minerals by kurubaklagiller-This protein foods provide. Pregnant women and infants in the tissue and new tissue growth is essential for the formation of proteins. This type of food 3 meals a day to increase protein levels of alınmalıdır.Baklagiller meal cheese, milk or meat should be taken with.

Fatty foods and sweets-this group, margarine, butter, candy, desserts, light, spirits the phrase snack foods, salad dressings, vegetable oils contain nutrients such as. These kinds of foods in meals alone should not be open only to resolve calories should be eaten.

Vitamin and mineral support-The best natural food with vitamins and minerals is to take. If medical assistance is not required at any properly fed. Iron and folic acid, but this situation can not be met by natural means istisnasidir.Gebelikteki increased requirements. For this reason, doctors and drug support is suggested.

The restriction of salt-past gebelikde salt consumption was thought necessary. Today, however, it is not necessary with normal amounts of food taken are adequate salt and restrictions should not go are accepted.

Vegetarian diet is not recommended during pregnancy-is certainly objectionable.

Nourishment while pregnant, you get two to live on does not mean doubling the calories. In fact, pre-pregnancy period is sufficient to get only 300 calories, but much may be harmful for you and your baby to avoid nutrient is necessary expend more effort. You eat and drink everything you share with your baby in mind that you should not. All mothers of infants for the development of healthy nutrition is extremely important to know and baby during pregnancy to be most useful for nutrition shall endeavor. However, both in the media among the public need during pregnancy what is eaten and what should not be eaten in many information is circulating. With a few simple tips and precautions you can avoid foods that can harm your baby. Prepared and stored under suitable conditions, some infections can be transmitted from raw food. Of these infections are most often deemed:

Salmonella-chicken and eggs from this disease usually is transmitted. Eggs and poultry preparation and cooking must be very good. Knives, etc. are used when preparing chicken. should not be used for materials such as another job. This is especially consumed raw as salad being prepared is important. Symptoms of headache and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and chills faces. Symptoms usually 12-48 hours after receiving food per day and passed 2-3. In severe cases, treatment is required. Especially in pregnant women due to water loss is more severe problems can be admitted to hospital should be given intravenous fluids.
Not been pasteurized milk and milk products-the disease listeriosis in good and fresh cheese from raw meat and minced meat is transmitted. Temperatures necessary for pasteurization killed listeria infected, but if infected with germs that food is kept in the refrigerator for a long time the bacteria will remain vitality. Rarely from live animals are very sensitive to heat transmission olabilir.Bakteri so good to be cooked with food begins to lose vitality.
General body aches and fever are the main symptoms. People think flu is. Low and can cause stillbirths in pregnant women. The easiest way to protect them from disease are not sure of the cleanliness of food consumed is not to be never. Especially in our country still receiving milk from street vendors because of the disease is widespread. Contrary to common belief of pasteurized milk sold in Tetrapak box does not contain any additives and extremely saglıklıdır.
Toxoplasmosis-infected cats are known for. In fact, do not directly infect cats. These organisms is only suitable for the cat carrier. Eggs are excreted with the feces of the cat toxoplasmosis and implicated in a variety of food prepared in the appropriate conditions of these people does not move result. Grass-eating animals infected with toxoplasmosis and cooked meats unless good cause can be transmitted to humans.
-This type of food poisoning Botulism is extremely rare, although it is as serious a table. Canned foods, and especially not stored under suitable conditions and life-threatening infection of the complaints could be dangerous.

To consume food that is not recommended during pregnancy

Raw meat and meat products: Coliform bacteria, salmonella, listeria and toxoplasmosis are at risk of infection is consumed raw animal foods such as meats Try not to eat. Grid type to pay attention to where and when thoroughly cooked meat or any portion bloody Make sure no pink remains.

Liver: Liver contains high quantities of vitamin A careful not to consume.

Sea Products: as raw or smoked seafood be consumed to avoid. Recently in our country, especially the growing consumption of foods like sushi and there is no conclusive evidence about reliability. You can eat raw seafood does not contain within sushi'leri. However, still consumed raw oysters, mussels do not eat such products. On the other hand may be extremely large amount of mercury in fish that eat fish also not recommended. High rates of mercury in the brain development of your baby can affect adversely.

Milk and milk products: Never and never not been pasteurized and do not drink milk do not consume. Do not eat cheese made with pasteurized milk that was not. When you buy imported soft cheese with pasteurized milk must make sure üretildiğiden. On Do not buy this kind of expression does not have cheese. Known brands of street vendors outside the efforts taken to stop eating ice cream

Eggs: Boil the egg thoroughly sure. Only eat hard-boiled eggs. Homemade mayonnaise with raw eggs, etc. Try not to eat products. However, made with pasteurized eggs and mayonnaise on the market, sold under known brands are usually safe.

Fresh vegetables and salads: Do not eat salads out there. Especially when done without a certain, never Do not eat salads prepared and packaged. Similarly in restaurant salad bars do not approach. Has been been cleaned thoroughly, mainly salads, many of the toxoplasmosis infection can be transmitted.

The points to note
While dining, cooking and toilet between the sure hands thoroughly after wash
Do not make different dishes with the same kitchen equipment
Not use the kitchen equipment being used again yikamadan.
Other materials in contact with raw meat dishes pisirirken not be sure.
Raw meat packing tightly buzdolabinda the liquid.
Rusty kutularini not use canned
Do not drink pasteurized milk edilmemis
Frozen meats thoroughly, especially before roasting wait to be solved
Never again a Erittiginiz food dondurmayin
Cooked a meal of only 1 more time isit kalanini ATi.
Take care isinmasina thoroughly isitirken A complete meal.
1 day use, even if past history gegmis never not use any products.
Up to 4 degrees in temperature should not be olmasi Buzdolabinizin forget.
Light in restaurants etc. for pre-pisirilip remain hot. Stay away from foods are under the wait.
No sure about olmadiginiz food preparation and saklanisi Do not eat.
Domestic animals besliyorsaniz mutfaga sokmayin.

When and how much alcohol during pregnancy?
Pregnant women "search sega Can I have alcohol?" karşılasiyoruz frequently with questions. This question can be given a very clear No Answer, because nobody, and what amount of alcohol which siklikta harm to developing babies who do not know exactly verebilecegini. For this reason, many experts, including I, pregnant women as possible away from alcohol, alcohol consumption for women durmalarini öneriyoruz.Hamile hagi amounts as safe as we do not really know oldugunu. Moreover, a huge different for every woman in this amount is probably because alcohol is metabolized by every human being different from each other destruction rate. Possible to determine a safe dosage range for use of the ban only? Seems more intelligent process. But here in question is not an exact criteria.

1 can not drink wine occasionally if I kadeh'de? Any alcohol during pregnancy is ideal almamaktir. Social life from time to time but geregi gerekliligi dogabilir take alcohol. Birthday, or wedding day in such a small beer or 1 glass of wine can be obtained. Or sip champagne in celebration 1-2 hos to be seen.
If you are aware you're pregnant without alcohol aldiysaniz flurry kapilmayin immediately. This small amount of alcohol taken up in the early period of the expected harm to the baby. However, if you decided to get pregnant in alcohol korunmayi biraktiginiz time to say goodbye zamandasiniz appropriate means.
What types of caffeine effects during pregnancy creates scholars? First of caffeine, a vitamin necessary akilda retention or nutrient olmadigidir. No nutrient value of caffeine during pregnancy yoktur.Yapilan studies scholars of high amounts of caffeine (6 cups a day more than coffee), especially in the second trimester to push düsükleri associated with low olabilecegini göstermektedir.Hamile non-noble women, the effect of caffeine on heart and circulation system and the nervous system and behavior is over. Pregnancy or breast-feeding while caffeine taken in the fetus and newborn infant similar effects yaratir.Alinan moderate caffeine adayinda palpitation and similar yakinmalar mother created a baby but not in heart and respiratory atimlarinda (baby or mother more than dogma karninda makes breathing movements) may cause significant Artisan.
Are the scholar must birakmali thick caffeine pregnant? Not always. Avoid excessive caffeine containing drinks can enjoy kaydiyla. Or less being taken by many research yapilan moderate caffeine during pregnancy, the risk of harming the baby or mother adayina oldugunu is low. Moderate caffeine (300-400 mg) corresponds to 2-3 cups of coffee granules.
Is it too much caffeine is dangerous purchase a recommended? Fact that no-one as your answer does not know. Obtain relevant as there is no adequate scientific proof. Thus we advise scientific bulunamayiz. In some studies, high amounts of caffeine scholars low, low birth weight associated with abnormalities such as cleft lip and cleft palate oldugunu suggest. However, these calculations are missing the point of alcohol, scholars, non-road situations such as this açabilecegi other known risk factors into account in the world today alimamis olmasidir.Tüm accepted opinion that too much caffeine consumption causes low birth weight babies and olabilecegi only very high doses of caffeine in alindiginda risk yaratabilecegidir.
How much caffeine is in what food? Caffeine is found in the estimates ettiginizden more substances. For example, some herbal tea and chocolate also has caffeine. Some pain relievers and cold medicines alginligi contains dekafein. Allergy similar drinks such as coffee ilaçlarinda also lower in caffeine and caffeine olabilir.Çay amount of coffee brewing or ready olmasina or by type vary. Unlike many other than cola or caffeine Sanilanin have a mesrubatta
How much water is required to drink? 10-12 glasses of water per day, drinking a normal eriskinin is required. In some cases this amount increases:
Extreme hot or cold weather to ensure the body sicakligini
With water instead of sweat after exercise to put atila
Pregnancy in both developing and increasing the amount of blood because the baby
Because milk production in women who are breastfeeding
Fever, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration in such cases so called dry than normal in order to keep the status engelemek drink more water.

Common but wrong belief between the people olundugunda water alınmamasi gerektigidir diarrhea. Pathology are not barsaklardaki cause diarrhea fazlaligi water. Therefore, if diarrhea does not replace the water lost vital results may occur. Infants with diarrhea enough to be water in our country is one of the most important cause of infant mortality.
Excess water as urine enough water içildiginde expelled. In this case open and idrarinizin color berraktir. Scholar of the urinary loss of water karşılamadiginda wear amount, color koyulasir and becomes more concentrated. In this case reach the brain signals thirst to feel Arasan and water loss LIMITATING to release certain hormones causes.
People are not the only source of water is drinkable. Daily diet in the water contains many substances. Apple approximately 84%, 81% of the grapes, milk 50%, or 80% More than çorbasinin aslinda eg tomato is water. However, some substances contained in these foods are removed Idar effects foods with only gösterebileceginden never enough water can not be taken.

Pregnancy and water-baby wait and exciting women's life experience is one of the most fun. However, common during pregnancy can be difficult to tolerate some yakinmalarin. The most important of constipation, urinary tract infections and hemoroidlerdir. Adequate fluid scholar, and therefore hemorrhoids disc yumusamasini saglayarak kabizligi involvement and fog water olusumunu engeller.Öte hand restraints when the most disturbing Situations. Way to minimize this yakinmalari enough water to drink passes. To drink more water cause water retention Sanilanin contrary happens.
Scholars until the end of the beginning of liquid at any time is extremely important hamileligin. Scholar, an adequate fluid hydration yourself that help you to feel energetic like olacagi on skin also helps prevent problems such as kurulugu. Both you and your baby also aldiginizda enough liquid electrolyte balance kanindaki easily saglanabilir. Pregnancy hormones person in their liquids salgilanan use changes the shape. Your blood volume of approximately 1.5 Katina Logging sonlarina pregnancy right. Respiratory tract during pregnancy and before pregnancy than the amount of water lost akcigerlerinizden fazladir. Every 3 hours bulunduğu in your baby's amniotic liquid is renewing itself. Insufficient water in case of dehydration linked alimina may decrease the amount of amniotic sticky.
Negative impact on pregnancy dehidrasyonun another agrilaridir premature birth. dehydration in case of some hormones salgilanan birth to mimic kasilmalarini Baslatan hormone can cause premature birth kasilmalarina. In the treatment of preterm threatening open the way to the first vessels yapilan transaction giving fluid to indicate the importance of oldugunu hatirlanmasi easier scholars warned liquid is attractive. Often given liquid with light disappears just kasilmalar expenses.
Water is the body's transportation system. Nutrients and oxygen through the baby's blood are not marked baskasi water. Water also common during pregnancy and premature birth fuck can cause urinary tract enfeksiyonlarinin prevention düsüklere also takes an active role. How much water is enough if you idrariniz seyrelmis wear and the chance of infection.
For a healthy pregnancy to spend at least 8-10 glasses of water should you drink a day. Active or running a kisiyseniz purchase a required amount of exercise a bit more yapiyorsaniz fazladir. 1 cup for every 1-hour exercise should you drink more water.
Fruit juices are the daily liquid substances, but they are i would prefer aliminizda excess calories içerdigini forget. Water does not contain any calories is one of rare materials. Coffee, tea, cola containing caffeine, such as diuretic effect they have any value tasimazlar daily fluid aliminda. These are more than the amount you receive and results in urine çikartmaniza cause you to lose water.

Scholars proposals for adequate water
Do not expect water to drink susamanizi. This way your scholars davrandiginizda water olabilisiniz sure enough olmadigindan.
For water in every meal but a Badak
Morning at least 2 glasses of water kalktiktan until after lunch for dinner, lunch and evening on the same way between two glass Try to drink
Drinking a glass of water before lying Learn aliskanligini
For sure you see a fountain of water Yürüken
Try drinking water instead of eating junk food. When reading newspapers or watching television for water
Tadinda of water (or tatsizligindan) hoslanmiyorsaniz into one by adding two drops of lemon or orange juice tatandirmayi try.

Almali few pounds during pregnancy?
A proper nutrition and adequate weight scholar of the mother's health and lifestyle ideal baby is extremely important development easier. If enough pregnancy weight almazsaniz small dogabilir baby. However, this rule has not, and Exceptions. Our personal experience and scientific data as well as with the baby's birth weight between the mother's weight gain is a true relationship is not the shows every time. During Hamileligi bought 30 pounds at the little baby into the world just as before anenler brought the opposite as 1-2 pounds artisla a pregnancy of mothers who have completed at around 3500 or even 4000 grams birth to babies they would also be witnesses. However, this situation rarely gikiyor karşımiza. In general, birth weight baby and the mother's pregnancy during the close relationship existing between bought for pounds.
However, this relationship has açiga kavusmamis some nokatlar. For example, infants in the baby's young mother doguran mother olmasindan less weight because of what you bought it for pounds bought at the mother or baby is not enough scientific data on small oldugu. Of course the same applies to uncertainty otherwise. The first doctor pregnant women most commonly asked questions beginning How many weight gain ziyaterlerinde do I need to come to the question? Answer to this problem depending on several factors degismekte. Ideal weight before your pregnancy weight gain in pregnancy and associated yasinizla directly. During pregnancy, overweight women are less, while more women are weak embedding is appropriate. Regardless of what weight before pregnancy, no pregnant women to lose weight during this process kalkismamalidir. This situation is extremely harmful for baby kanininzda may lead to the accumulation ketoasitlerin
For example, your normal body weight kaldiginizda pregnant araliktaysa (body mass index (BMI) between 20-25) at the end of pregnancy in this situation is ideal being a almis between 11.5-16 pounds. 12-13 It is too slow may be the first haftasinda pregnancy weight. If you have nausea and even a few kusmalariniz normal to lose weight is acceptable. Start with the second trimester the weight gain 300-500 grams per week between hizlanir and are expected to purchase a kilo.

8 Ways to Drive a woman

And the 1000 women participants in the U.S. "What excites you most makes and can drive?" the results of the research question being addressed, experts gathered under 8 chapters. Formsante magazine women setting out ways to drive this research in April gave the number.

What enables women to be driven and it's important to know those who worry about, Brown University Associate Professor of Psychiatry Dr.. Haltzmann said Scott responds: "what excites you and why to know is the key to a great sex life. Because of this you also offers the possibility of controlling your own pleasure." That this statement after the U.S., one study, women identified triggers 8 behavior. Sexual life is not colorful enough for those who think this behavior 8 "suggestions" as possible to ...

1 - to touch the hair

Why does it do?: Skull skin contains millions of nerve endings. A man's fingers in your hair to move, like you also show that at the same time. Do not sniff in vain, evolutionary psychology on duty.

Try this: This can increase the feeling of your hair as you want to scan.

2 - the kiss Omzunuzu

Why does it do?: Because you are approached in an unexpected way. Of your attractiveness and it surprises you also kiss you show commitment.

Try this: your Partner neglected areas of your body may guide you to notice. If you are afraid to talk openly about it, Take pen and paper write a romantic note. Stroking of your collarbone, your earlobe with a small touch of language is to learn how provocative look at what we will do!

3 - to put your hand on your leg

Why does it do?: "Your inner thighs, as some parts of your body is not possible to touch accidentally," says Dr.. Haltzman. Unfair or not! Emotionally when someone is close enough, to allow it to become so close, sentiment is driving.

Try this: him, to other areas in your body forward. For example, make sure to put your hand back pocket jeaninizin!

4 - to gasp for breath after a long run

Why does it do?: Exercise norepineprin dopamine secretion and triggers, your body secretes endorphins after exercise and increases your blood flow. All this happened after exercise in the body, sexuality, while those parallel experience.

Try this: When it comes to home from work, watch TV before spreading to the seat for a two invigorating yoga movement, several shuttle or try push-ups.

5 - I do not know eye to eye with a man to come

Why does it do?: The first time was come eye to eye, it can be extremely impressive. Are you excited to come because the eye in the head at once a question mark also evokes sexual.

Try this: If you knowingly get jokingly, one arm can get started with the theme. This interaction will create a foreign, albeit minor.

6 - Jean pants to wear

Why does it do?: Erotic sense bra for the female body anyway, the male body for those jeans! Experts "here do not forget the influence of biology," he says. Tight jeans, healthy leg muscles, abdominal muscles means! Healthy and of course also means a strong partner!

Try this: Remember, men, women up to at least like to be complimented. Him, wearing jeans when it appears in the direction of the more handsome compliment you so much jean clothing.

7 - to smell like soap

Why does it do?: A man who likes to smell soap, baked bread, take your life because passing is like the smell. Do not know until you experience a smell can trigger appetite. In contrast, cologne, soap its natural scent is blocked. The smell of the soap smell and men are confused. Here, the natural chemicals secreted by the body comes into play.

Try this: Log out for a walk or flee together. So that his body temperature by increasing the natural smell will be able to hear.

8 - to lying in a foam bath

Why does it do?: Foam bath, the easiest way to relax. In general, we deal with to-do list in our minds for our own physical awakening signs are missed, but warm water and blood under the skin surface to the nerve endings and this is going to be warned speeds makes it easier.

Try this: If your regular routine morning bath enclosed. Regarding how much your body feeling relaxed and awake, you'll be willing so much about them progress. Also never underestimate the power of shower head do not.

9 Suggestions for pleasurable sex

According to an enjoyable way to get Seksolog tab to be at peace with your body and improve your fantasy goes.

Aged 20-40 are experiencing the most intense get the tab, the age of men and women are most active. However, outside this age range of the desire to desire, desire to be reconciled with the body, orgasm experience, the fantasy of the good reviews for each individual life can resume your sex life.

Age progresses, a decrease in sexual desire or long for unity, erection and ejaculation problems in men, women-dry lubrikasyon problems may occur. Factors such as sexuality and routine can make mecburiyettenmişcesine single level. This routine life; couple of close to each other, maintain their desire is to be reconciled with the body, develop fantasies, sexual preferences can be prevented with such issues as review.

Sexual IQ, a person's preferences, feelings, sex and remove the smell during The sound and body, the limits of sexual activity, is prohibited and non-point and want to experience the changes and reconsider all of these factors is self-acceptance. Therefore, the importance of a good sex life is invaluable.

Here you need to remember the important points:

1: get the tab is absolutely nothing to do with body image. Imperfect body also takes pleasure in sex, their partner gives pleasure. Here, the parties mutually respectful and to be honest, to live this way sexuality is important. Satisfactory sexy forming positive factors during sex sexual desire, by permission of the skills, rights and evaluation skills, sexuality-related knowledge to be sufficient to feel the excitement and the brain with concentrations of mutual sensual scent attractive to come to each other as can be summarized.

2: To make it fun is part of the tab. You wish to be free of people, the fancy building, honesty and respect enjoyed by his partner to offer something, a gift of sexuality as a privileged perception and everyone is entitled to enjoy sexual life with acceptance will be color.

3: the frequency of sex is not important. Range of a married couple having sex is a case that entirely depends on people. Couple having sex at any range, the following should not be less. However, a periodic approach in continuous union or marriage suggest. Especially in terms of reciprocal temperature periodically to maintain important find. Periodic intervals satisfying certain mergers, as well as more in terms of sexual function is important.

4: Sex is no room for the reservation. Reservations are not in the tab frightening, intimate and open to talk to is a requirement for a happy sex life. Couples tell each other things like be able to self-good and feel comfortable during sex should get the tab should be a regular show or performance should not assume that. This can only be possible by mutual talk.

5: Families with children do not end in sex. It should be remembered that, to have children is not an important factor in terms of sexuality. According to the daily life couples will take the time to sexual choice and should be concentrated to one another, especially during this time.

6: Hardening the problem is not entirely in your mind that you have created a problem. In the last 25 years of erectile dysfunction caused by a medical condition that was clarified. Psychological aspects of erectile dysfunction often even if (depression, anxiety and stress may be the role of), almost always has a physical cause.

7: Hardening the problem is only seen in older men. This situation more common in men over the age of 40 with, can occur in men of all ages. A new study of men between 40 and 70 years of about half an erection from time to time to provide and / or continue having trouble was revealed. The proportion of erectile dysfunction increases with age, although aging alone, as a cause of erectile dysfunction is not seen. Of erectile dysfunction more common in older men, the reason, age-related diseases like high blood pressure.

8: too old for sexual intercourse couples sexual intercourse is related to the değilsiniz.Tüm years. A healthy sexual relationship is an important part of life. Indeed, the most active sex life study of a natural part of aging has been shown.

9: Double reciprocal appeal may be lost even if they regain. The important thing about this is at what point they lost. Couples against each other's points of appeal are lost: Sex while being inadequate, afraid to be abnormal, they can not talk to sex partners about the points, they can not be expressed in words what they feel about sex. During or after sex partner to feel close to, touching each other, but expect to excite, with fantasies and desires and not feel guilty about male-female body works, how to evaluate the sensual character compatibility and mutual attraction can be obtained again.

White discharge



While entering the era of young girls and bluğ anemia, weakness, indigestion, disorders due to border two pieces can be seen within days before or after the white discharge.

This discharge is not treated initially, while later in the form of egg whites, green, yellow and become stinking turn makes the itching around the oud.


While entering the era of young girls and bluğ anemia, weakness, indigestion, disorders due to border units, two inside days before or after the white discharge görüleblir.

This discharge is not treated initially, while later in the form of egg whites, green, yellow and become stinking turn makes the itching around the oud.


While entering the era of young girls and bluğ anemia, weakness, indigestion, disorders due to border two pieces can be seen within days before or after the white discharge.

This discharge is not treated initially, while later in the form of egg whites, green, yellow and become stinking turn makes the itching around the oud.

Treatment Modality


Primarily causing disease sebebleri should be eliminated. Disease until last in the open air without fatigue short walk in sunshine hours should be made.

Alcohol, cigarettes, bacon, sausage, scarfs and should not eat cheese, sexual contact should be avoided during treatment.

Vaginal discharge

Normally, every woman in reproductive age have some vaginal discharge. The effect of female hormones on the cervical glands of the cervix with a slippery slimy liquid is secreted. One of the benefits of this fluid by providing vägen slipperiness is to ensure a comfortable sexual relationship. This fluid secretion in women entering menopause stop for the vaginal dryness that is emerging. This vaginal fluid vaginal discharge, also are physiological. Currents in the spawning period pieces tend to increase closer to date, in some cases, as washing will pollute beyond can vägen. Although it could be excessive, the physiological discharge colorless, fragrance free, itching and irritation, does not.

Vagina inflammation is also vaginit. The most important finding is the increased vaginal discharge. Physiological limits some features are different from vaginal discharge. Inflammation that is connected to the discharge is abundant. Bad smell can be annoying. Discharge is often darker. Milk can be cut, such as consistency in green, sometimes yellow discharge may be abundant.

Infection outside a women's disease can make vaginal discharge. Genitalia used in perfumes, pads, tampons or foreign substances such as condoms by making vaginada irritation may cause discharge. Apart from these, in rare cases, tumors related to the reproductive organs can discharge complaint.

The most common cause of bacterial vaginozistir discharge. Microbial agents within the vagina, called Gardnerella vaginalis as a result of excessive proliferation is composed. Abundant white-gray light is yellowish vaginal discharge. Especially the bad smell is distinct currents. Odor during sex is increasing. Antibakteriel drugs used in treatment. In some cases, on the vulva irritasyonda can do.

Itching and irritation, which significantly Vaginada fungal infection is a discharge. Also has participated often vaginadaki vulva infection. This results in skin redness and edema consists vulva. Vaginal discharge white milk has the shape of the cut and paste into the vagina wall. Microscopic fungus called Candida excessive proliferation of vaginada result occurs. After my use of antibiotics in pregnancy and is more frequently seen in patients with diabetes. Way in the treatment of vaginal or oral anti-fungal drugs are applied.

Trichomonas vaginalis is also another cause vaginal infections. A micro-organism is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Greenish discharge is very abundant. Discharge makes irritation. Burning and itching in the vagina and vulva are marked. Treatment needs to be done with the match.

Vaginal discharge because of the formation may be a tumor, in this case usually plenty of slimy consistency and, on the fine lines in a stream of blood is available. Reproductive organs in the presence of such a discharge should be reviewed in detail and why should be determined after appropriate treatment.